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MantineResponsiveHabitTrackerLine Chart

Adding Line Charts to the Habit Tracker

Last month I showed my Habit Tracker to some work colleagues. I got some good feedback that it would be helpful to see the data in a different format.

I researched options for data visualization libraries. The D3 library seemed powerful but possibly overkill for my needs. I took a look at the component library I’m currently using and it turns out they recently came out with Mantine Line Charts.

All I needed to do was upgrade to Mantine v7 and I could use those charts. 29 commits later and I had some decent looking line charts.

desktop line charts

The mobile version wasn’t looking great.

unresponsive habit tracker

Mantine has a nice way to deal with this. The cols prop supports responsive values.

<SimpleGrid cols={{ base: 1, sm: 2, md: 3 }}> <HabitLineChart records={staticRecords2024} habit={"pushups"} habitDisplayName={"Pushups"} goal={10000} /> <HabitLineChart records={staticRecords2024} habit={"situps"} habitDisplayName={"Situps"} goal={7000} /> <HabitLineChart records={staticRecords2024} habit={"jacks"} habitDisplayName={"Jumping Jacks"} goal={14000} /> <HabitLineChart records={staticRecords2024} habit={"stairs"} habitDisplayName={"Stairs"} goal={200} /> <HabitLineChart records={staticRecords2024} habit={"pullups"} habitDisplayName={"Pullups"} goal={600} /> </SimpleGrid>

With that in place, the mobile view now stacks each line chart on top of each other.

responsive habit tracker

I really like the new way of viewing the data. At a glance I can tell where things stand with each habit. It’s already changed the way I’m approaching meeting each goal.

It turns out Mantine Line Charts is built on top of Recharts which apparently is built on top of D3. So I guess I went with D3 anyway.

Side question that came up while writing this post - how do you go about resizing images when bringing them into markdown? I’ve been bringing them in in their original size and then adjusting the height and width using the height and width props inside the Image component. That requires using some kind of aspect ratio calculator to keep the image from getting distorted. It seems like a tedious way to do it, what’s your strategy?